New Year – New Resolutions

It’s a new year and time to get back on my Peloton!  I keep reflecting on my yoga/hiking retreat with my mother last year at this time and thinking that I need to apply what I learned there to my daily life again!  Nothing gets me more in the mood to work out that new…

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Spring Ski Sale!

If you are anything like me, you are dreaming of getting back to the mountains!  Our trip to Vail in February surprised us with amazing spring like weather and it just makes me itch to return! If you are lucky enough to return to the mountains soon, your timing is perfect because my favorite ski…

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Friday Favorites

So excited about our new Ballot Box Cocktail Napkins for Halo Home by KSW. Simply insert the silk knot cuff into the button hole on the napkin that marks your party and you can find like-minded friends for some not-so-confrontational cocktail conversation. Oh – and we finally have some social media set up for Halo…

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Ski Style

I’ve been raiding the website and shopping up a storm at  Saint Bernard this week in preperation for our ski trip in February!  They made it so easy to get ready with these  fantastic checklists!  They took all the stress out and added loads of style too!  What do you think of the ski look I picked…

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