Work From Home – My New Space
Just like some of you, I have worked from home for quite a while now, ever since my children started school. Before they were both in school, I felt I needed an office to get away to whenever I needed to get something done but, since they were both enrolled in day schools, I felt most productive in my quiet home. As I writer, it is much more conducive to getting work done than a bustling office. I used a small built-in desk as “headquarters” but I loved grabbing my laptop and notebooks everyday and finding a new spot to settle in. Sometimes I would sit at the dining table, kitchen counter, or breakfast table. I rarely sat at the built in desk because it would get loaded up with piles of papers and projects! The desk space there is always cluttered and full and I have a tendency to use it more like a storage closet for work!
All of that worked fine until our self-quarantine began and our entire family was home all the time. The dining table became my husband’s new office. The breakfast table was Millie’s desk and the kitchen counter was JR’s space. During a time when our mental health needs special attention, I decided it was time to put a desk in our library, something I had been wanting to do for quite some time but just didn’t get around to.
The talented design team at Blue Print Store recently debuted a furniture line that included a beautiful desk among so many other gorgeous pieces.
I’m so thrilled to now have the Emory desk at home. It has been a much cheerier space to work in comparison to my crowded closet/desk space and I’m so grateful to them that they made the delivery possible during this unusual time!

I love the beautiful light lacquered wood and the rich brass detailing in the Emory Desk.

I’m excited to be able to sit at this desk and look out the window while I work. Thank you Blue Print Collection for making it possible! On my desk, I keep a stack of notebooks for different projects and typically my lap top sits in the middle but I didn’t want it to muddy up the photos!

My favorite pens are Pilot P-500 and I always buy them in bulk and keep them in a mug that my children and husband bought for me after I admired it at an Artist’s Market on a trip last summer. Family photos make me smile so I have them all over the house but my desk always holds my current favorites.

I like to sit on my sofa to make and take my calls. Yes, that is a land line that you see in the photograph! I just can’t give it up! Sofa by Jan Showers and Assoc.

My silver bird letter holder was a gift from my mother-in-law years ago. I keep my outgoing notes in it as a reminder to take them with me when I leave my desk.

I try to write at least one hand-written note every day. I guess it is my version of a gratitude journal. I prefer to send my thanks out instead of keeping them in a book at home. I rotate stationery through this toast rack. In this photo, it is holding our W monogram with a double hand-painted border by Mrs. John L. Strong and some darling note cards that the talented paper designer Alexa Pulitzer sent to me.
If you are interested in a piece from Blue Print Collection, reach out to or follow them on Instagram by clicking here.