I had a little giggle to myself today because I was asked to speak at an upcoming conference on work/life balance and keeping organized. Just as I was pondering that, I opened my package from Minted with my personalized Valentine tags! Why is that funny? Well, the Valentine tags are actually going to be attached to the Christmas gifts that I didn’t ever get out to my friends this year because, clearly, I haven’t managed to master the work/life balance thing!
Oh well! Better late than never I think and even better-better with these darling tags!
While I was ordering my gift tags, I let Millie pick out these precious french bull dog classroom Valentines. We always give out little Whitman’s Chocolate Hearts so I also ordered her cute little co-ordinating stickers to mark the gift bags that the chocolates will go in.
She “personalized” them a little bit and acted like she was writing the names of her friends in her classroom because she wants to everything that her big brother does!
Speaking of JR, he could not contain his joy when we searched for “hockey Valentines” and he found this one! He is seriously obsessed with his “Let’s stick together” cards because he was able to put his favorite photo with a few of the Dallas Stars hockey players on the back of it! He found some co-ordinating stickers to personalize that will seal his red paper bags of Whitman’s Sports Theme Chocolates.
So, instead of seeing this project as a catch up from being late for Christmas, I’ve decided to look at it as being ahead of the game for Valentine’s Day!