One Room Challenge – Week Four – Progress?

Well, things are not turning out exactly like I was hoping they would but I’m praying that in the end, the overall look will work!  
Thanks for all of your votes on the green chair last week!  It made me change course but it also got me super excited about the room again!
Did I tell you that we aren’t going to be able to upholster the walls like I thought we would?  It just doesn’t make sense out in the country because of all of the critters and dust.  I’m super bummed about it but I think it will be ok.  I was so excited about the drama of our guests being wrapped up in a room of black and white check but I guess our almond walls will have to do!  
But this did work out:

I’m super excited because this piece is coming from Viyet!  Do you know Viyet yet?  It is super chic consignment opportunities that you will not want to miss!  You will love everything on the site almost as much as you will love the savings!!!!  Actually, if you go check the site out right now, you will see my living room at home on the home page!  Those dreamy yellow sofas were a Jan Showers pick.  We love Jan and she has helped Justin and I with several projects (and she is hosting a book signing for me at her showroom on Nov. 2nd from 1-3 – come on by!)  I’m going to set this piece up like a bar and fill it with some of my equestrian treasures.  I can hardly wait to tablescape this piece!
So, I fell in love with this mirror from Bassett Mirror Company and ordered a pair back when I was thinking that the walls would be upholstered and the accents would be red.  I thought this pop of blue would be an unexpected surprise but now that the we have almond walls and a green chair, I’m wondering if they will still work?  What do you think?  I’m so crazy about the color and the shape so even if they don’t live in the living room, I think they will easily find a perfect space!
Oh…and did I tell you that the fabric for the ottoman is backordered?  We are not going to get it in time for our big reveal here but, not to worry, because
I ordered a pair of these x base benches from Lazarro Leather in lieu of the ottoman.  Once the ottoman does arrive, I think these can easily be moved in front of the windows for extra seating! 
And because I am in need of some major inspiration to keep me on track right now with all of the curve balls I’ve been thrown, I’ve put together a group of some of my favorite pins from my Pinterest Page. 

So, I hope you are enjoying the ride as much as I am!  This is the week that starts to get thrilling!  
I’m heading to the ranch with a moving truck for an install tomorrow and then a follow up install on Nov. 2nd. I can hardly wait!  Please check back in next week to see more progress (I hope!!!)
In the meantime, I hope you will check out the other bloggers in the ORC!


  1. Slightly Coastal on October 28, 2015 at 3:08 pm

    Sometimes it just goes that way…the way of backorders and changes. I have changed my plan several times too. I think the changes keep my interest though. I love the vibe you are going for and I can't wait to see how it all comes together.

  2. Cristin // Simplified Bee on October 28, 2015 at 9:44 pm

    Love that mirror you selected!!!

  3. {Hi Sugarplum!} on October 29, 2015 at 12:24 pm

    So excited to see this come together…your rooms are always so chic!

  4. Ivy Lane on October 29, 2015 at 2:47 pm

    I can't wait to get another peek at what you're up to! On to week 5!!!!

  5. Mindi Carwin on October 29, 2015 at 3:53 pm

    Bummer about your walls, but I love the mirror so hopefully it will still work! And the bench is awesome too!

  6. Melissa @ Polished Habitat on October 29, 2015 at 6:40 pm

    That X base bench is AMAZING!! Sounds like a crazy week of changes, but the new plan is looking great!

  7. SHERRY HART on October 30, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    For some reason….things are always crazy on week 4 but then it all starts to come together! Hang in there!

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