Even though it was only four weeks after I had the baby, I pulled on my Spanx and set out for the
Coyote Drive In in Fort Worth for the shoot.
The collection is going to be amazing. I got a sneak peek and I can assure you that I will be in line at Target for the collection on the 15th of September!
Here are a few snaps from the shoot. The final stylescape, which will debut at a Fashion Week party on September 5th, will feature style setters from six cities across the country and Canada. The really cool part: We will move in the image! It is kind of a photo/kind of a video! I can’t wait to see it.
My beautiful sister getting her hair done. |
Back in the make-up chair only four weeks after baby! I wasn’t feeling very glam but I knew I was in good hands. |
Jan Strimple is so amazing. |
Amazing custom door lock! |
Friends on the set, including the amazing Bag Snob who organized all of us and kept us in line! |
A sneak peek at the collection. I love the navy and black dress. |
Love the license plates! |
Check out the adorable pup on set. |