Tablescape Tuesday: Carolyne Roehm

Carolyne Roehm is one of my favorite tastemakers.  She is so elegant and has impeccable style.  A career highlight for me was the day that I was able to help her fix her photo-slide show presentation before a speaking engagement.  Her keynote presentation wasn’t working on the country club’s PC computer system so I excitedly came to the rescue as I had stressed over the same issue just a few months before at a different speaking engagement!
If you haven’t had the chance to hear her speak, please find a way!  Hunt her down! Stalk her!  Chase her until you find her because she is so inspiring! From fashion design to floral design, she has truly become a style maven!  
I first met her many many years ago when I was a teenager and she was giving a floral design presentation on a family trip we were on.  I watched her arrange flowers and knew then that I wanted to go to flower school in Paris just as she had.
I have bundles of each of her books, and I love giving them out as gifts.  Order them today if you don’t already have them!
Photos courtesy of Carolyne Roehm
Here are some links to some of my favorite tablescapes created by Carolyne:

An Autumn lunch in House Beautiful.

A great collection of images on Stylish Serendipity Blog

A blue and white Alfresco Entertaining Story in Veranda

One of my favorites from The Enchanted Home Blog. 

Clearly, she loves blue and white as much as I do!

You can visit her website by clicking here.

1 Comment

  1. kt on August 1, 2012 at 6:00 pm

    I always love reading that other people out there share my love of Carolyne Roehm! I am from St. Louis and attended the same college (Washington University), where I also studied fashion design/history. Sadly, I was several years too late – but the stories of her fabulous personality live on! Thanks for posting!

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