I Heart Blue and White – Beach Time!

I am completely obsessed with this Blue and White Zebra Beach towel by Maslin.  It is so great!  I love the carrying case too!  Brilliant! 
If you are like me, you can’t pass up a sale!  Check out this Emilio Pucci bikini at 50% off on Net-a-porter.com
And I am trying to keep a hat on when I am outside because I just got back from my annual Dermatologist appointment and I was lectured about it!  There are some precious ones out there including this BORSALINO

Blue and White Stripe Band Panama Hat

 and don’t you think the little one’s need this too?  I can’t wait to wrap my little tot in the blue and white robe from Petit Bateau if I can ever get him out of the water!

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