Charmed, I’m Sure!
Hosting a birthday party for a friend is a blast! Finding the perfect gift can be a challenge though!
I was recently introduced to a new friend over lunch and I complemented her on her wonderful charm bracelet! I could not believe it when she told me the story about it! It is genius!
When she had a “big” birthday, her friends got together and hosted a party. Instead of sending everyone on their seperate way to find a gift, the hosts suggested that they purchase a charm for her instead! The hostesses bought her the bracelet and each of the guests presented a charm and explained why they picked the one they did. They suggested to each of the guests that they shop at a certain store which offered to keep track of the purchases so that there were no duplicates. She said that they laughed and cried and had the most memorable evening when each of her friends presented her with a story and a charm. Isn’t that a lovely idea!