October isn’t only about candy and costumes…
There is a much more cuddly cause to celebrate! This month is the American Humane Association’s Adopt- A- Dog Month.
Adopting a pet is certainly the farthest thing from a new idea but chances are, it probably would be new for most of us to truly consider driving down to the nearest shelter to pick out a pup. I know how unreasonable it might be to ask if you would just hop in your car, on a whim, to take in an animal that requires your love and attention. However, if you and your family have been contemplating a canine addition then hopefully you can keep open minds and hearts while I tell you some reasons for, and benfits of adopting a dog from your nearest shelter.-Many shelters offer great support services to answer anything and everything you would like to know about your future family member. These people are all animal lovers and would love nothing more than to educate you on caring for your pet. The shelters usually assess each of the dogs for a full week so that they can tell you facts about their compatability with your lifestyle.

2. Ask about each dog’s general behavior. What is the dog’s personality like? What are his habits? What is his temprament like? What will I feed him?
3. Something that we rarely think about is the size of our property in relation to the size of our pet. Yes, the size of your home might cross your mind, but your dog is going to need to have some space outdoors as well. Large dogs do not just want to have the freedom to run around, but they also need the exercise in order to live a long and healthy life.
All of these dogs can be adopted today and it’s as easy as going to Operation Kindness’ website.