Unstable Nail Polish!

Remember those mood rings that we used to love?  I was always quite fascinated by them!  Well now, you can wear your mood right on your manicure!  In The Mood is color changing nail polish that works just like a mood ring!  Choose from six different shades, paint your nails and have some fun!  I like the shades in “Blissful” because they range from “Blush to Bashfull” as Shelby from Steel Magnolias would say.  But if you like Bold, them the orange and corals shades in “Hyper” or the greens and aquas in “Curious” might be more your style.

1 Comment

  1. Kendall on July 14, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    I read about this somewhere else lately but don't remember where. I wish I could buy it in a store the shipping cost is almost more than the nail polish itself!

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