Hair Do!

There are a lot of Hair Don’ts that I have fallen victim to in the past but I just could not resist trying out the latest trick for getting volume in my hair, Bumpits. The infomercial did not tempt me enough to order it but I did pick it up when I saw it at my drugstore counter. My hair is often more flat than I would like. I am a big “back-comber” and I tease and tease and tease to get lift at the crown of my head.

I don’t think that Bumpit’s is right for everyday wear, at least not for my lifestyle. There is too much toddler chasing and errand running in my typical day to make this work but I do think it is great for date night or special occasions. For $9.99 (a lot less than a professional hair stylist would charge!) you get 4 Large Bumpits Inserts, 4 Mini Inserts, and 2 Hollywood Inserts. It comes in 4 shades so that you can get one to match your hair color.
I tease anyway so step one was easy for me. Step two is to place the Bumpit Insert firmly behind the part line and step three is to firmly spray! I added step four and stuck a few bobby pins in for good measure. It stayed all night long!
I will say that the large inserts were a bit too much for me but the medium worked really well. It helped my hair stay poofy all night.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. L M Foong on March 22, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    I think different hairdo suit different people with some care.
    Example, a prom flower can complement styled hairdo too

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